Image Border Tool

Tool rating: 0 people found this tool terrific

Add custom borders to your images with full control over style, color, and width.

✓ All CSS Border Styles✓ Custom Colors & Widths✓ Border Radius✓ Advanced CSS Input

Border Widths

Border Style

Color & Radius


Custom CSS

Key Features

Border Styling

  • • Choose from various border styles (solid, dashed, dotted, etc.)
  • • Set custom border widths for each side (top, right, bottom, left)
  • • Select any color using a color picker
  • • Adjust border radius for rounded corners

Advanced Options

  • • Apply custom CSS for fine-grained control
  • • Real-time preview updates
  • • Supports common image formats (PNG, JPG, GIF, WebP)
  • • Instant download of bordered image

How to Use

  1. Upload your image using the file uploader.
  2. Adjust border width for each side using the sliders.
  3. Select a border style from the dropdown menu.
  4. Choose a border color using the color picker.
  5. Optionally, set a border radius for rounded corners.
  6. For advanced styling, enter custom CSS in the input field.
  7. Click the "Download Image" button to download the image with the border.

Advanced Border Techniques

Groove and Ridge Borders

Groove and Ridge border styles create a 3D effect by simulating an engraved or raised border, respectively. The tool achieves this using two shades of the chosen border color. The width of the groove/ridge is half the specified border width.

Inset and Outset Borders

Inset and Outset borders provide a subtle, shadowed effect. Inset makes the border appear "pressed in," while Outset makes it appear "raised." This tool achieves this by drawing one-pixel-wide lines around the image, using darker and lighter shades of the border color.

Custom CSS Control

The "Custom CSS" input allows power users to apply precise styling using JSON. You can override *any* of the border settings (width, style, color, radius) by providing a JSON object with the corresponding properties. This gives you ultimate flexibility.

Dynamic Border Radius

The Border Radius control creates rounded corners for your border. The tool intelligently limits the maximum radius to prevent visual artifacts. The radius is capped to half the smallest dimension of the image, *minus* half the border width. This prevents the rounded corners from overlapping or inverting.

Frequently Asked Questions

What image formats are supported?

This tool supports common image formats, including PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF, and WebP. The output image will be in PNG format to preserve transparency if a transparent border color is used.

Is there a file size limit?

Yes, the maximum file size is 10MB. This ensures the tool remains responsive and performs well within the browser environment.

Are my images stored on your server?

No. All image processing happens locally within your web browser. Your images are never uploaded to any server, ensuring complete privacy and security.

How does the custom CSS input work?

The custom CSS feature lets you enter a JSON object that directly overrides the border settings.


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