Salary Converter: Calculate Hourly, Daily & Annual Pay [2025]

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Convert between salary periods instantly. Support for multiple currencies and custom work schedules.

✓ Multiple Currencies✓ Custom Work Hours✓ Instant Calculations

Work Schedule

Salary Converter


How to Use the Salary Converter

This tool helps you convert between different salary periods, making it easy to understand your earnings in various time formats. Here's how to use it:

Basic Usage

  • 1.Select your preferred currency from the dropdown menu
  • 2.Enter your known salary amount in any of the input fields
  • 3.Other fields will automatically update with converted amounts

Custom Settings

  • 1.Click 'Show Settings' to customize your work schedule
  • 2.Adjust hours per day, days per week, and weeks per year
  • 3.Results will update automatically based on your schedule

Understanding Salary Conversions

Calculation Methods

  • Standard Work Year

    Based on 52 weeks per year

  • Monthly Calculations

    Uses 4.33 weeks per month average

  • Customizable Schedule

    Adjust for part-time or irregular hours

Important Notes

  • Pre-tax Calculations

    All conversions show gross amounts before tax

  • Currency Conversion

    Amounts stay in selected currency without exchange rates

  • Rounding

    Results rounded to 2 decimal places for accuracy

Frequently Asked Questions

How accurate are the salary conversions?

The calculations are based on your specified work schedule and use standard conversion rates (52 weeks per year, 4.33 weeks per month). You can customize these in the settings for more accurate results matching your specific situation.

Does this calculate after-tax income?

No, all calculations show gross (pre-tax) amounts. Tax rates vary by location and individual circumstances, so you'll need to account for taxes separately.

Can I use this for part-time work?

Yes! Use the settings panel to adjust your work schedule (hours per day, days per week, etc.) to match your part-time hours. The calculator will update all conversions accordingly.

Why are monthly calculations based on 4.33 weeks?

4.33 represents the average number of weeks in a month (52 weeks ÷ 12 months). This provides the most accurate monthly rate calculation over a full year.

Does this include overtime calculations?

The basic calculator assumes standard rates. For overtime calculations, you may want to use our Meeting Cost Calculator which includes overtime rate options.


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