Discount Calculator: Calculate Price Reductions & Savings [2025]

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Calculate discounts, final prices, and total savings with support for multiple discount types and tax calculations.

✓ Multiple Discount Types✓ Tax Calculation✓ Bulk Pricing

Discount Calculator


How to Use the Discount Calculator

Basic Calculations

  • 1.Enter the original price of the item
  • 2.Choose your discount type
  • 3.Enter the discount amount or percentage
  • 4.View your savings and final price

Advanced Features

  • Tax Calculation

    Include sales tax in your final price

  • Bulk Pricing

    Calculate discounts for multiple items

  • Special Offers

    Support for "Buy X Get Y" deals

Understanding Discount Types

Basic Discounts

  • Percentage Off

    Standard percentage discount (e.g., 20% off)

  • Fixed Amount

    Specific dollar amount off (e.g., $10 off)

Special Offers

  • Buy X Get Y Free

    Buy a quantity and get additional items free

  • Buy X Get Discount on Y

    Buy items and get a discount on additional items

Frequently Asked Questions

How is the tax calculated?

Tax is calculated on the discounted price (subtotal), not the original price. This follows standard retail practice where sales tax is applied after discounts.

Can I calculate multiple discounts?

Yes, you can calculate discounts for multiple items using the quantity feature. For multiple sequential discounts, you'll need to run the calculator multiple times.

How do "Buy X Get Y" deals work?

These deals calculate how many items you get at full price versus discounted/free based on the total quantity. For example, in a "Buy 2 Get 1 Free" deal with 6 items, you pay for 4 items and get 2 free.

Are the calculations rounded?

By default, final prices are rounded to the nearest cent. You can disable this in the settings if you need more precise calculations.


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