Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR) Calculator [2025]

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Calculate your Monthly Recurring Revenue and optionally include Net New MRR for a more detailed analysis.

Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR) Calculator


What is Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR)?

Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR) is a key metric for subscription-based businesses, representing the predictable revenue a company can expect to earn every month from its active subscriptions. It normalizes various pricing plans and billing periods into a consistent monthly figure, allowing for better financial forecasting and performance tracking.

How to Use the Calculator

  • Enter Active Customers: Input the number of active customers or subscribers at the end of the month.
  • Enter Average Revenue Per Customer: Input the average revenue generated per customer per month.
  • Optional - Toggle Net New MRR: If you want to calculate Net New MRR, click the toggle and provide the following:
    • New MRR: Additional MRR from new customers.
    • Expansion MRR: Additional MRR from existing customers (e.g., upgrades, cross-sells).
    • Churned MRR: MRR lost due to cancellations or downgrades.
  • Calculate: Click the "Calculate MRR" button.
  • View Results: The calculator will display the MRR and, if selected, the Net New MRR.

Why is MRR Important?

Financial Forecasting

MRR provides a clear picture of your predictable revenue stream, making it easier to forecast future revenue and plan your budget accordingly.

Growth Tracking

Tracking MRR over time helps you understand your business's growth trajectory and identify trends in customer acquisition, retention, and expansion.

Investor Confidence

Consistent MRR growth is a key indicator of a healthy SaaS business and can attract potential investors.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Net New MRR?

Net New MRR is the difference between your new MRR (from new customers and expansions) and your churned MRR (from cancellations and downgrades). It shows the net change in your MRR over a specific period.

How can I improve my MRR?

  • Acquire New Customers: Focus on effective marketing and sales strategies to attract new subscribers.
  • Reduce Churn: Identify and address the reasons why customers are leaving.
  • Increase Expansion Revenue: Encourage existing customers to upgrade or purchase additional products/services.
  • Optimize Pricing: Ensure your pricing plans are aligned with the value you provide and consider offering different tiers or add-ons.

What's the difference between MRR and ARR?

MRR (Monthly Recurring Revenue) is the predictable revenue generated each month. ARR (Annual Recurring Revenue) is the annualized version of MRR, calculated by multiplying MRR by 12.


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