Javascript Object to JSON Converter

Tool rating: 0 people found this tool terrific

Convert Javascript object literals to JSON format. Ensure your Javascript objects are properly formatted for JSON conversion with this tool.

✓ Formatting✓ Validation✓ Online Conversion

Javascript Object Input

JSON Output

Conversion Features


  • Javascript Object Literals

    Accepts standard Javascript object syntax.

  • Examples Provided

    Quickly load simple and complex examples to start converting.

  • Paste Support

    Easily paste Javascript objects from your clipboard.


  • Standard JSON

    Generates valid JSON output from Javascript objects.

  • Pretty Print Option

    Option to format JSON output for better readability.

  • Easy Copy

    Copy generated JSON output to clipboard with one click.

Common Use Cases

API Development

  • • Prepare request bodies
  • • Format API responses
  • • Validate data structures
  • • Test API endpoints

Configuration Files

  • • Convert JS config to JSON
  • • Prepare settings files
  • • Manage application config
  • • Simplify configurations

Data Transformation

  • • Convert JS data to JSON
  • • Prepare data for web
  • • Data format conversion
  • • Streamline data handling

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Javascript Object Literal?

A Javascript Object Literal is a way to create objects in JavaScript using curly braces ``. It consists of key-value pairs, where keys are strings (or Symbols) and values can be any Javascript value, including other objects, arrays, functions, and primitives.

Why Convert Javascript to JSON?

JSON (Javascript Object Notation) is a standard format for data interchange on the web. While Javascript objects are used within Javascript code, JSON is used for transmitting data between servers and web applications, in configuration files, and many other scenarios where a text-based, language-independent data format is needed.

Is the conversion secure?

The conversion happens entirely in your browser. No data is sent to any external server. However, be cautious when using the tool with sensitive Javascript code, especially if you are pasting code from untrusted sources, as `eval()` is used to parse the Javascript object. For general use with object literals, it is safe and convenient.

Can I convert complex Javascript objects?

Yes, the converter can handle complex Javascript objects including nested objects and arrays. It accurately represents the structure and data types in JSON format. If you encounter issues with very specific or unusual Javascript constructs, please report them for tool improvement.


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