XML to TOML Converter: Transform Configuration Formats

Tool rating: 0 people found this tool terrific

Convert XML documents to TOML format with support for nested elements, arrays, and customizable output options. Perfect for configuration file conversion and data transformation.

✓ Smart Type Detection✓ Nested Support✓ Format Options



Format Guide

XML Format

  • Element Structure

    Nested tags with opening and closing elements

  • Attributes

    Support for element attributes

  • Array Elements

    Repeated tags for list structures

TOML Features

  • Key-Value Format

    Simple assignment with equals sign

  • Section Headers

    Grouped configuration with [headers]

  • Array Support

    Inline and multi-line array formats

Key Features

Conversion Options

  • Array Formatting

    Choose between inline and multi-line arrays

  • String Handling

    Optional string quoting for compatibility

  • Compact Mode

    Minimize whitespace in output

Tool Features

  • Type Detection

    Automatic inference of data types

  • Example Presets

    Ready-to-use configuration examples

  • Error Handling

    Clear feedback for invalid input

Common Use Cases


  • • Legacy XML configs
  • • App settings
  • • Build configurations
  • • Environment setup


  • • Format migration
  • • Data transformation
  • • API responses
  • • Testing fixtures


  • • Build systems
  • • CI/CD pipelines
  • • Package configs
  • • Dev tooling

Frequently Asked Questions

Why convert from XML to TOML?

While XML is widely used for configuration, TOML offers a more readable and maintainable format. TOML is especially popular in modern development tools and can make your configurations easier to edit and understand.

How are XML attributes handled?

XML attributes are converted to nested TOML keys, maintaining the hierarchical structure while ensuring all data is preserved in a format that's natural to TOML.

What types are automatically detected?

The converter automatically detects and converts numbers (integers and decimals), booleans (true/false), and preserves strings. This ensures the TOML output maintains proper data types.

Is my data secure?

All conversion happens directly in your browser. No data is sent to any server or stored anywhere. Your data remains completely private and secure.


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