HTML to BBCode Converter: Transform Web Code to Forum Format

Tool rating: 1 person found this tool terrific

Convert HTML to Bulletin Board Code (BBCode) format with support for all HTML elements including formatting, links, images, tables, and more. Perfect for posting website content to forums and message boards.

✓ Complete Tag Support✓ Formatting Options✓ Instant Preview



Supported HTML Elements

Text Formatting

  • Basic Elements

    <strong>, <b>, <em>, <i>, <u>, <s>

  • Text Styling

    Style attributes for color, size, and alignment

  • Structure

    <p>, <div>, <span>, <br>, <hr>

Advanced Elements

  • Lists and Tables

    <ul>, <ol>, <li>, <table>, <tr>, <td>

  • Links and Images

    <a>, <img> with attributes

  • Blocks

    <blockquote>, <pre>, <code>

Common Use Cases

Forum Posting

  • • Web content to forums
  • • Blog post sharing
  • • Articles to message boards
  • • Documentation sharing

Content Authoring

  • • WYSIWYG to BBCode
  • • Format switching
  • • Legacy system support
  • • Cross-platform content

Community Management

  • • Web to bulletin board
  • • Social media sharing
  • • Newsletter formatting
  • • Announcement preparation

Conversion Features

Formatting Options

  • Newline Preservation

    Keep original line breaks for readability

  • Compact Output

    Minimize whitespace for cleaner BBCode

  • Entity Conversion

    Transform HTML entities to text characters

Tool Features

  • DOM-Based Parsing

    Accurate HTML structure interpretation

  • Style Handling

    Extract and convert CSS styles to BBCode

  • Clipboard Integration

    Seamless copy and paste workflow

Frequently Asked Questions

Why convert HTML to BBCode?

Many forums and bulletin boards don't support direct HTML input for security reasons but do support BBCode. Converting your HTML content to BBCode allows you to share richly formatted web content on forums while preserving most of the formatting and structure.

Are CSS styles preserved in the conversion?

The converter extracts and translates common inline styles like text color, size, and alignment to their BBCode equivalents. However, complex CSS properties don't have BBCode counterparts and will be omitted during conversion.

How are complex HTML elements handled?

Complex elements like tables, lists, and nested structures are carefully parsed and converted to equivalent BBCode. The converter maintains proper tag nesting and hierarchical relationships to ensure the output remains structurally similar to the original HTML.

Is the conversion secure?

Yes, the conversion process happens entirely in your browser. No HTML or BBCode data is sent to any server, ensuring your content remains completely private. The tool uses the browser's built-in capabilities to safely parse and transform your HTML.


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