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SQL Timestamp Converter [2025]
Generate SQL queries for timestamp conversions across PostgreSQL, MySQL, and SQL Server. Format dates and extract time components easily.
Unix Timestamp (seconds since 1970)
Truncate to Hour
First Day of Month
Last Day of Month
Age in Years
Day of Week (1-7)
Quarter-Year Format
Business Days from Date to Now
Fiscal Year (July-June)
Time Ago Expression
Database Timestamp Types
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8 bytes, microsecond precision
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With timezone information
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4 bytes, date only
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8 bytes, microsecond precision
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4 bytes, seconds precision
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3 bytes, date only
SQL Server
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6-8 bytes, configurable precision
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With timezone offset
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3 bytes, date only
Common Operations
Time Calculations
Add/Subtract Intervals
-- PostgreSQL
timestamp_column + INTERVAL '1 day'
-- MySQL
DATE_ADD(datetime_column, INTERVAL 1 DAY)
-- SQL Server
DATEADD(day, 1, datetime_column)
Range Queries
Date Range Filtering
-- Last 7 days
WHERE timestamp_column >= NOW() - INTERVAL '7 days'
-- Current month
WHERE DATE_TRUNC('month', timestamp_column) = DATE_TRUNC('month', CURRENT_DATE)
Best Practices
Data Storage
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Store timestamps in UTC timezone
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Appropriate Type
Choose types based on precision needs
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Index Strategy
Index frequently queried timestamp columns
Query Performance
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Sargable Queries
Avoid functions on indexed columns
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Date Boundaries
Use half-open intervals for ranges
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Consider time-based partitioning for large tables
Frequently Asked Questions
What's the difference between TIMESTAMP and DATETIME?
TIMESTAMP typically stores UTC time and handles timezone conversions automatically, while DATETIME stores the literal time value without timezone awareness. The exact behavior varies by database system.
How can I handle timezone conversions?
Each database has built-in functions for timezone handling. PostgreSQL uses AT TIME ZONE, MySQL uses CONVERT_TZ(), and SQL Server uses AT TIME ZONE. It's recommended to store timestamps in UTC and convert only when displaying.
Which timestamp precision should I use?
Choose based on your application needs. For most applications, second precision is sufficient. If you need to track more granular changes or handle high-frequency events, consider microsecond precision.
How do I optimize timestamp queries?
Create indexes on frequently queried timestamp columns, use sargable queries that can utilize indexes, and consider partitioning large tables by time ranges for better performance.
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