Time Tools

Calculate and analyze dates and times

Age Calculator

Calculate your age & remaining time on this planet

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Age Difference Calculator

Determine difference in ages

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Chrome Timestamp Converter

Convert Chrome/Webkit timestamps into human readable dates

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Clarion Date Converter

Convert between Clarion and human-readable dates

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Countdown Timer

Everything you ever wanted in a timer

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Date Difference Calculator

Calculate the duration between two dates

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Date Formatter

Format dates however you want

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Discord Timestamp Converter

Convert any date to Discord's own format

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DMESG Timestamp Converter

Convert Linux DMESG dates to human readable ones

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JSON Timestamp Converter

Convert JSON dates to standard formats

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LDAP Timestamp Converter

Convert LDAP to human readable dates

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MongoDB Timestamp Converter

Convert ObjectIDs to human readable dates

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NTP Timestamp Converter

Convert between NTP format and regular timestamps

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Pomodoro Timer

Use this famous focus technique to your advantage

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Retirement Calculator

Calculate the time until you reach retirement

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Roman Date Converter

Convert between Roman and Gregorian dates

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SQL Timestamp Converter

Convert between different date formats in SQL Server

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Time Unit Converter

Convert from miliseconds all the way to years

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Timezone Converter

Travel across the globe with our timezone converter

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Windows Timestamp Converter

Convert Integer8 to human readable dates

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Work Hours Calculator

Calculate your work hours over a given time period

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