SQL INSERT INTO to XLSX Converter [2025]

Tool rating: 0 people found this tool terrific

Extract data from SQL INSERT INTO statements and convert it to XLSX.

✓ Extracts Data from INSERT✓ Customizable Sheet & File Name✓ Auto Column Width✓ Live Preview✓ Number Formatting

Key Features

  • Convert data from SQL INSERT INTO statements to XLSX (Excel) format.
  • Parses INSERT INTO statements to extract column names and values.
  • Handles multiple rows of data within a single INSERT statement.
  • Correctly handles quoted string values, including those with commas.
  • Option to include or exclude column headers in the XLSX output.
  • Customizable sheet name and file name.
  • Automatic column width adjustment.
  • Optional number formatting.
  • Live preview of the extracted data.
  • Client-side processing for data privacy.

Supported SQL Output Formats

This tool is designed to handle `INSERT INTO` statements. Here are some examples:

  • Basic Insert:
    INSERT INTO employees (id, name, age, department) VALUES (1, 'John Doe', 30, 'Sales');
  • Multi-row Insert:
    INSERT INTO products (product_id, product_name, price, category)
    VALUES (101, 'Laptop', 1200, 'Electronics'),
           (102, 'Keyboard', 75, 'Accessories'),
           (103, 'Mouse', 25, 'Accessories');
  • With and without quotes:
    INSERT INTO my_table (column1, column2, column3) VALUES (1, 'value, with, commas', 123.45);

Common Use Cases

Data Migration

  • • Extracting data from INSERT statements for importing into a spreadsheet.
  • • Preparing data for transfer between different database systems.

Data Analysis

  • • Analyzing data provided in SQL INSERT format.
  • • Sharing data with colleagues in a familiar spreadsheet format.

Testing and Development

  • • Creating test data from SQL scripts.
  • • Generating sample data for application development.

Frequently Asked Questions

What kind of SQL statements are supported?

This tool is specifically designed to extract data from `INSERT INTO` statements. It does not process other types of SQL statements.

How are multiple rows handled?

The tool can handle `INSERT INTO` statements that insert multiple rows of data using the standard SQL syntax (separating rows with commas).

Does it handle quoted values and commas within values?

Yes, the tool correctly parses values enclosed in single or double quotes, even if they contain commas.

Can I customize the sheet and file names?

Yes, you can specify custom sheet and file names.

What does the "Format Numbers" option do?

If enabled, the tool attempts to convert values that look like numbers into actual numbers in Excel, allowing for calculations.

Is my data secure?

Yes, all processing is done client-side in your browser. Your SQL code is not sent to any server.


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