Base64 Encoder and Decoder [2025]

Tool rating: 0 people found this tool terrific

Encode and decode text and binary data using Base64. Supports both standard Base64 and URL-safe Base64, handles Unicode characters, and provides options for dealing with invalid input.

✓ Standard and URL-Safe✓ Unicode Support✓ Invalid Character Handling

Text Input

Base64 Output

About Base64

Base64 is a binary-to-text encoding scheme that represents binary data in a printable ASCII string format. It's commonly used to encode data that needs to be transmitted over media designed to handle text, such as email or URLs.

The standard Base64 alphabet uses 64 characters: A-Z, a-z, 0-9, +, and /. URL-safe Base64 replaces + and / with - and _, respectively, and may omit padding characters.

Key Features

  • Encode text and binary data to Base64 format.
  • Decode Base64-encoded strings back to their original form.
  • Support for both standard Base64 and URL-safe Base64.
  • Handles Unicode characters correctly.
  • Option to preserve or remove invalid characters during decoding.
  • Clear error messages for invalid Base64 input.
  • Example data for quick testing of different scenarios.
  • Copy encoded and decoded results to the clipboard.

Common Use Cases

Data Transmission

  • • Email attachments
  • • Data URIs
  • • Embedding images in HTML/CSS

Web Development

  • • Storing binary data in cookies
  • • URL encoding
  • • API data exchange

General Use

  • • Data serialization
  • • Representing binary data in text files
  • • Basic obfuscation (not for security)

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Base64?

Base64 is an encoding scheme that converts binary data into an ASCII string format using 64 different characters. It's designed to make binary data safe for text-based systems.

What is URL-safe Base64?

URL-safe Base64 is a variation of Base64 that replaces the '+' and '/' characters with '-' and '_', respectively. It also often omits the padding '=' characters. This makes the encoded string safe to use in URLs.

How does Base64 handle padding?

Base64 uses '=' characters for padding at the end of the encoded string to ensure that the output length is a multiple of 4. This tool automatically handles padding during encoding and decoding.

How are invalid characters handled during decode?

If preserve is enabled, the converter will skip over characters that aren't part of the expected base64 alphabet and attempt to decode the rest. If it is disabled, it will raise an exception.

Is Base64 encryption?

No, Base64 is an encoding scheme, not encryption. It provides no security and is easily reversible. It's meant for data representation, not confidentiality.

Is my data secure?

All processing happens in your browser. No data is sent to any server.

Technical Details

Base64 Alphabet

The standard Base64 alphabet consists of:

  • • A-Z (uppercase letters)
  • • a-z (lowercase letters)
  • • 0-9 (digits)
  • • + and / (symbols)
  • • = (padding character)

URL-Safe Base64 Alphabet

The URL-safe Base64 alphabet consists of:

  • • A-Z (uppercase letters)
  • • a-z (lowercase letters)
  • • 0-9 (digits)
  • • - and _ (symbols)

Encoding Process:

  1. The input data is converted into a stream of bytes.
  2. The byte stream is grouped into sets of 3 bytes (24 bits).
  3. Each 24-bit group is divided into four 6-bit groups.
  4. Each 6-bit group is mapped to a character in the Base64 alphabet.
  5. If the input is not a multiple of 3 bytes, padding ('=') is added.

Decoding Process:

  1. The input data is converted to base64 with padding.
  2. Each Base64 character is converted to its 6bit binary representation.
  3. The binary data is concatenated.
  4. The concatenated binary data is converted back into octets.
  5. Each octet is represented as a UTF-8 character.


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