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Decimal to Binary Converter [2025]
Convert decimal numbers to their binary representation with support for custom bit lengths and signed numbers.
Range: 0 to 31
- Instant decimal to binary conversion with real-time updates
- Support for 8-bit, 16-bit, and 32-bit representations
- Signed and unsigned number handling with two's complement
- Optional bit grouping for improved readability
- Automatic range validation based on selected bit length
- One-click copy functionality for converted values
Common Use Cases
- • Bitwise operations
- • Data type conversions
- • Memory manipulation
- • Digital logic
- • Number systems
- • Binary arithmetic
- • Two's complement
- • Bit manipulation
- • Embedded systems
- • Hardware interfaces
- • Protocol development
- • Debug data analysis
Frequently Asked Questions
What bit lengths are supported?
The converter supports 8-bit, 16-bit, and 32-bit representations. For unsigned numbers, these allow ranges of 0-255, 0-65535, and 0-4294967295 respectively. When using signed mode, the ranges are -128 to 127, -32768 to 32767, and -2147483648 to 2147483647.
How does signed mode work?
When signed mode is enabled, negative numbers are represented using two's complement notation. This is the standard method used in computing for handling negative binary numbers. The leftmost bit indicates the sign (0 for positive, 1 for negative).
What is bit grouping?
Bit grouping separates the binary digits into groups of four, making long binary numbers easier to read. For example, 1111111 becomes 111 1111. This is particularly useful when working with longer binary numbers.
Why do I get a "number too large" error?
This error occurs when the input number exceeds the maximum value that can be represented with the selected bit length. For example, in 8-bit unsigned mode, numbers must be between 0 and 255. Choose a larger bit length to work with bigger numbers.
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