Text Readability Analyzer [2025]

Tool rating: 0 people found this tool terrific

Analyze text complexity and readability with multiple metrics, vocabulary analysis, and sentence structure statistics.

✓ Multiple Readability Metrics✓ Vocabulary Analysis✓ Sentence Structure

Primary Readability Scores

Flesch Reading Ease




Gunning Fog








Basic Statistics











Complex Words



Words per Sentence


Syllables per Word


Characters per Word


Sentences per Paragraph


Vocabulary Analysis

Lexical Density

Unique Words


Hard Words


Academic Words


Familiar Words


Stop Words


Sentence Structure

Simple vs Complex

Simple: 0Complex: 0

Short vs Long

Short: 0Long: 0

Passive Voice

0 (NaN%)

Transition Words


About Readability Metrics

Flesch Reading Ease

Scores from 0-100, with higher scores indicating easier reading. A score of 60-70 is considered ideal for most general audience content. The score considers sentence length and syllables per word.

Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level

Indicates the U.S. school grade level required to understand the text. For example, a score of 8.0 means the text is understandable by an eighth grader. Ideal for general audience content is grades 7-9.

SMOG Index

The Simple Measure of Gobbledygook (SMOG) estimates the years of education needed to understand a piece of writing. It's particularly accurate for checking health messages and materials requiring 100% comprehension.

Gunning Fog Index

Estimates the years of formal education needed to understand the text on first reading. A score of 12 indicates the reading level of a U.S. high school senior. Popular magazines aim for a score of 12 or lower.

Features and Analysis

Text Statistics

  • Word, character, and sentence counts
  • Syllable analysis and complex word detection
  • Average lengths and distributions
  • Paragraph structure analysis

Vocabulary Analysis

  • Lexical density calculation
  • Academic and familiar word detection
  • Unique word analysis
  • Stop word identification

Sentence Structure

  • Simple vs. complex sentence detection
  • Passive voice analysis
  • Transition word usage
  • Sentence length distribution

Readability Scores

  • Multiple readability metrics
  • Grade level estimates
  • Reading ease assessment
  • Text complexity analysis

Use Cases

Content Creation

Writers and content creators can ensure their content matches their target audience's reading level. Analyze drafts to maintain consistent readability across all materials.


Teachers can verify that learning materials match their students' grade level. Students can check their writing meets assignment requirements for complexity and clarity.

Professional Writing

Technical writers can ensure documentation is appropriate for their audience. Businesses can maintain consistency in their communication materials.

Tips for Improving Readability

  • Keep sentences short and vary their length
  • Use familiar words when possible
  • Break up long paragraphs
  • Minimize passive voice usage
  • Use transition words effectively
  • Match vocabulary to your audience
  • Consider your target grade level
  • Test multiple versions of important content


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