Flask Secret Key Generator

Tool rating: 1 person found this tool terrific

Generate cryptographically secure secret keys for Flask using the Python secrets module approach.

✓ Hex Tokens✓ URL-Safe Format✓ Flask Config Ready

Flask Secret Key Generator

Security Features

Token Generation

  • secrets Module Approach

    Based on Python's cryptographic standards

  • Multiple Formats

    token_hex and token_urlsafe equivalents


  • Flask Compatible

    Ready for app.config integration

  • 256-bit Security

    32-byte random values

Key Types

Hex Token

Equivalent to Python's secrets.token_hex(). Creates a hexadecimal string using 32 random bytes, perfect for general secret key usage.

URL-Safe Token

Similar to secrets.token_urlsafe(). Generates a URL-safe base64-encoded string, ideal when the key needs to be included in URLs or headers.

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