Fraction Calculator

Perform calculations with fractions and view step-by-step solutions.

✓ Add, Subtract, Multiply, Divide✓ Step-by-Step Solutions✓ Simplification✓ Mixed Number Support

Key Features

  • Perform addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of fractions.
  • View detailed, step-by-step solutions for each calculation.
  • Simplify fractions to their lowest terms.
  • Convert fractions to decimals.
  • Convert to and from mixed numbers.
  • Option to use mixed numbers directly in calculations.
  • Load example calculations.
  • User-friendly interface with clear input fields.

Why Use the Fraction Calculator?

This fraction calculator is a valuable tool for students, teachers, and anyone who needs to perform calculations with fractions. It simplifies complex calculations and provides a clear understanding of the process with its step-by-step solutions.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can this calculator handle mixed numbers?

Yes, you can enable the "Use Mixed Numbers" option to input and calculate with mixed numbers directly.

Does it show the steps for solving the fractions?

Yes, the calculator provides a detailed step-by-step solution for each calculation, making it easy to understand the process.

Can I simplify fractions with this tool?

Yes, the calculator automatically simplifies the resulting fraction to its lowest terms.

Can I convert to decimals?

Yes, the calculator automatically converts the fraction to decimal.


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